The most counter intuitive but “truthiest” truth of all is that we believe our human limitations hold us back from making a difference and being worthy of divine love. But we’ve gotten the paradigm all wrong. Our frailties don’t disqualify us, they position us. Our humanity doesn’t disappoint God, it delights him. He created our humanity, with all of its beauty and finiteness. God chooses to work through us to restore the world solely because it brings him pleasure.
In this episode, we explore our human finiteness through stories new and old and reflect on the joy that the creator receives from working alongside us to bring restoration to a broken world. As humans, we often feel that we have to be all or nothing -- the hero or passive waiting for direction. Neither is true. We are meant to be partners with God, mending the world. We will get it "wrong" but we will also get a lot "right." How will we step into our calling that links arms with a purpose that asks us to just keep at it, because the doing is the beautiful and pleasurable part?